How to set goals and achieve them

Course Content

Total learning: 5 lessons Time: 10 weeks

Section 1 – What is a goal?

What is a goal?

Hi, and welcome to the next session of this course. Now before we advance further into the course, let us first get to know what a goal is. Now many people associate a goal to only materialistic things. It is okay in a way, but there is a lot more to life than just materialistic goals. 

As I mentioned earlier, a goal is supposed to help you reach your true potential and optimize your strengths. It is also supposed to help you overcome your weakness and take control of your life. I set goals that help me move up in life and leads me to the path of self-discovery. So, coming back to the main topic of this section

What is a goal?

A goal is kind of a to-do list that a person has set for their life. The one thing that you should remember is that when you set a goal, it should be realistic. The material aspects of your goal should be considered as a reward and not the primary aim itself. 

For example, if you want to own a house, the house should be a reward for your hard work and accomplishments of all your short-term goals. Your goal should make you a better person and help you to stay on the right path. The minute you start doing morally wrong things, you should realize that you are not on the right path to your goal. 

There is a big difference between quotas and goals. Quotas are meant for people who fine with an average life. They do not intend to find their true potential; neither do they want to take a risk in their life. They are happy with their 9-5 job, a monotonous and robotic life. 

People who have goals learn to think out of the box. They believe in learning, educating themselves, and work towards becoming a better person. They do not have words like impossible, quit, or give-up in their dictionary. These are people who believe in lifting others and do not focus their energies on unwanted things.

Understanding Goals

Hi, and welcome back to the third session of this section. In this session, we will understand goals in a slightly better way. We will also understand some of the common mistakes that many people make. SO, let’s start

Now when you are at work, you are subjected to a performance review once in a year. This review helps your management to understand the work you do. In return, you get additional perks like an increase in pay, a promotion, etc. People who only achieve their goals are generally subjected to a minimum raise. However, some meet their goal and focus on the overall team goal. These are people who are termed as overachievers. 

It is very common for people to start taking things slowly once they achieve a particular target or goal. This is one of the biggest mistakes many people make. Overachievers, on the other hand, do not stop only to their own goals. They look at the larger picture and also contribute towards the betterment of the overall team. 

Similarly, in your life, you should not just stop once you achieve your short-term goal; you also need to have a long-term goal, which will keep you moving. Being an overachiever and being greedy is very different. When you are an overachiever, you are a person that stays motivated by choosing the right way of doing things. You learn how to better yourself as a person, push your self to work smart and hard. 

When a person is greedy, they pull people down to achieve their own goals. These are not successful people. These are people who think that their actions are entirely alright only so that they can be happy within themselves. The happiness of such people is short-lived. 

This is why I say – goals are meant to make you a better person, not a person who pulls others down to get what you want.