Course Content
Section 2
Hi, and welcome to the second session of this course. Now in this section, we are going to dig a little deeper into the topic. We will cover topics like the goal-seeking mechanism and how to achieve your goal. So, let’s get on with it. First, we will understand
Goal Seeking Mechanism
The focus of the goal-seeking mechanism aims at Survival and Procreation. We, as humans, have an imagination that we believe in. We are also designed to achieve certain things in our lives. I first came across the term Goal Seeking Mechanism when I read Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Martes.
Here he explained the seeking mechanism by relating it to plants and animals. According to him, the Seeking Mechanism is like guidance for a person to move ahead. This guidance helps you to achieve specific goals and respond accordingly.
The whole idea of the Goal Seeking Mechanism is to visualize and conceive something without focusing on anything negative. It is about overcoming the obstacles with a positive mind and moving ahead forward.
How To achieve it
Now that you know about the Goal Seeking Mechanism, let us look at how you can achieve your goal. Generally, people tend to have a vision or a purpose, but they do not have an action plan to achieve it. These are people who typically adopt any kind of method to achieve their goals. When you set a goal, you have to have a plan that involves making you a better person and working towards your goal. To achieve your goal, you need to
- Conceive
- Visualize
- Be constructive
These are the three main ways to help you achieve your goal and improve yourself as a person. You also need to remember that you should focus on one mail or long-term goal at a given time. This will help you optimize your focus and enhance your potential. Have multiple short term goals and stepping stones.