Have you noticed that some people’s career flourishes while most stall? How is it that some managers climb the curve; while some stay on the same level or even get fired. Many times we also see talented people struggling to get noticed or recognition.
Sometimes it also goes to the extent where they either give up their passion or wait until they get noticed. Everybody is subjected to career derailment at some point in their life. If it is your fault due to a lack of talent, you will know what to do.
But what if the fault lies in your personality and not your talent, then what will you do? This article will help you understand the different personality types and why they face career derailment. You will also get a few tips on how do you overcome your career derailers
The different personality types and why they face career derailment
People who consider themselves fantastic all the time
Such people are nothing but wrecking balls; who are emotionally volatile, dismissive, arrogant, and insensitive. Such people have very poor ego management. Their behavior often results in a passive, colorful and mischievous, distrustful, lack of composure, arrogant, and defensive nature. Such people also lack interpersonal skills.
The solo lover
Such people are the ones that can contribute on an individual level. However, when it comes to leading or building a team, they often find it difficult. They tend to overmanage things, which results in problems and difficulty in leading and building a team effectively. Such people communicate non-verbally and verbally and often tell others to step aside while doing the work by themselves.
The I don’t like change type
Better known as the Version1.0, these are people who do not accept change easily. They find it challenging to adapt to new environments and take a long time to adjust. Their belief system is very rigid and close-minded. Moreover, such people do not have the will to do something new and lack curiosity. They can become very challenging, aggressive, and combative.
One-Trick Ponies
A one-trick pony is a person who is good at what they do. Over time, they become unpromotable and one-dimensional. They limit their careers because they overspecialize in something. They do not look at the big picture and fail to venture out of their area of specialty or expertise. Such people do not work with any strategy and do not understand the company they work for.
The 24 hours is not enough kinds
Also known as the Whirling Dervish, these are people who do not seem to have any time. Such people struggle to convert their ideas to actions. They also lack task management skills as well as organizational and planning skills. They never complete their work on time only because they cannot say NO to things.
Such people forget to be in tuned with the workflow process. They need to learn how to prioritize and plan their tasks before their projects start. Such people also need to learn to say NO if they cannot do something.
How do you overcome your career derailers?
Start being aware of things
Whether it is a professional or personal life, you need to be aware of your surroundings. You cannot underestimate yourself and make excuses for not doing something. It would be best if you learned how to keep on educating yourself.
Learn to be flexible
Remaining rigid all your life will not get you anywhere. It would help if you learned to accept change and go out of your comfort zone. As much as it may difficult to adapt to new changes, you should learn to accept it even if it takes time.
Do not be disorganized
Being disorganized is very easy; staying organized can be tough. Disorganized people are often considered to be unreliable. Such people often have a lot of problems delivering their promise and tend to over commit.
Be a person of your words
A man who stands by his commitments is a person who understands the importance of time. Such people do not go back on their words and will leave no stones unturned. They do not believe in making false promises and hate people who cannot stand by their words.
Learn to not crack under pressure
When you are under pressure, it is easy to break and give up. People cannot handle too much pressure or stress often find it difficult to handle challenging situations. When you give in to pressure, you tend to become unpredictable and emotional. Sometimes you may also turn hostile, which can also result in reduced or bad performance.
Learn to be a team player
Although you may have your strengths, you have to learn how to work with a team. When you work in a professional environment, you have to work along with a team. As much as you may have your targets, your team will also have its goals. You should learn how to contribute to the team using your strengths. You can also help people of your team if you are in a position to do so.
Be an active listener
There is a difference between a passive listener and an active one. A passive listener does not bother about what is told to them. These are people who do whatever they want and do not respect others. When you become an active listener, you pay attention to things. You can generate the results that are needed from you. An active listener is a person who respects the time and energy that somebody else takes out to help them.
A final note
There comes the point in life when our career comes to a standstill. It becomes challenging to move ahead or get promoted. While sometimes, it could be the lack of talent and skills that can prevent you from moving forward; sometimes, it is also your personality and your approach to things. By understanding your personality type and the reasons you may face a career derail, you can start making a change for your betterment.