Time Management

Course Content

Total learning: 6 lessons Time: 10 weeks

Section 4

Time management strategies 

Hi friends, and welcome to the fourth section of this course. I would like to start this section with a beautiful and meaningful quote by Tim Ferris. As he said

“Conditions are never perfect. ‘Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it’s important to you and you want to do it ‘eventually,’ just do it and correct course along the way.” With this quote, I would like to introduce you to a few and essential Time management strategies. 

Understand and accept that you are not perfect

Take a look at your fingers; not all of them are the same. Some are long, some short, some thin and some are big. Even humans are like the fingers of our hands. Not everyone is the same. Everybody has their strengths and flaws. The key to being successful is to accept yourself the way you are. Instead of expecting people to accept you, learn to accept yourself. When you start accepting the way you are, you learn to understand your personality. It also helps you to understand what kind of work will be best for you. Choosing your passion as a profession will make you want to look out for something every day. Undoubtedly, you still need to keep yourself motivated, but at least you are doing something you love. 

Take it one day at a time

I know many people who tend to get stressed out because they have not completed something or have not achieved a particular goal. Many people even take a lot of stress about futuristic events. I agree, in this era where the cost of living is prohibitive, you need to think about the future. However, thinking about it and getting worked up are two different things. Learn to take things one day at a time. You cannot block your energy by getting stressed out. Even more, you have to understand that something will happen at the right time. Instead of wasting your time and energy on stressing out, focus on doing something positive for yourself. 

Do Not Multitask

Multitasking can reduce your intelligence and comprehension levels. When you work on multiple things at the same time, you become less productive ad efficient. Now, for example, if you are listening to music while working, that is not considered as multi-tasking. Multitasking s when you are working on two or more tasks at the same time. Focus on one task, complete it, and then move on to the next. 

Understand when you are very productive

Some people are morning people, some are active towards the afternoon, and some are very active at night. Working during the times when you are productive will help you save a lot of time and energy. For example, a morning person may not be able to function post-lunch. So, it would be best to complete all the heavy work during the day and take on light work after lunch. Similarly, a night bird would not be able to focus during the day time. Schedule your work during the time of the day that you are most active. 

Remove Distractions

In today’s era, we are blessed with so many resources. Unfortunately, these resources are also distractions. For example, social media or your WhatsApp are great tools you can use to keep in touch with friends and family. However, they also become the most significant source of distractions when you have to complete any work. If you want to improve your productivity, you need to stay away from any source of distraction while you work. 

Split Large Projects into Pieces

Now the project we are talking about is not limited to only your work. It can also be something as simple as doing the housework or cleaning your vehicle. Whatever it is, splitting a project into small pieces will help you to complete the work on time. Moreover, it will also make you more productive and efficient. When you work on little things one at a time, your mind is not on any strain or stress. If you keep thinking about the broader perspective, you are bound to be worked up and tensed.

Learn to Say “No” More Often

Let us face it. You are human, and there are times when you have to learn to say NO. Every human needs some time to recoup from a heavy schedule. Moreover, especially with the lifestyle of people in the modern world, we all are running a race. By saying no, you are giving yourself the time to regain your energy and not be overburdened with work. 

Take a break from the daily grind

We all are aware of the term ME TIME. Well, this is very important. If you want to be productive and efficient, you have to learn to take out some time for yourself. Your body and mind need to relax and remain calm. When we are overworked, our mind is continuously working. An overworking brain can lead to multiple problems. Moreover, you tend to get tired quickly because your mind does not stop thinking or working. Similarly, when you continuously keep on working, your body gets affected very badly. Taking out that little time for yourself and not doing anything will help you regain your strength, keep you focused, and help you concentrate better.