Time Management

Course Content

Total learning: 6 lessons Time: 10 weeks

Section 6

Tips for Time management

I would like to welcome you to the last section of this course. Now in this section, I’m not going to explain things in detail. I’m just going to give you a few tips to help you manage your time. This is also a summary of a few things that I have already told you about. Let us say that this is like a reminder of some essential points that I have covered during the entire course. So let us move ahead

  • Respect time and make the best use of it
  • Put in efforts to improve yourself and take out some time for yourself 
  • Structure the way you want to use your time
  • Do not waste time thinking about how to make more time
  • Sleep well and if possible, take a 5-minute power nap or time out in the middle of your day
  • Do not stop setting new goals after you have accomplished your present ones. 
  • Prioritize your work and divide each task into two main portions, the first is to learn or read about it and the second is working on it. 
  • Use your resources wisely and adequately, and they are designed to help you save time.

I want to thank you for letting me be a part of your life and giving me the chance to help you. 

I would like to end it with another quote from Mr. Gates: “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next 10.” 

Thank You and All the Best